Sensual Open ​House

Sensual Open ​House

With Devi Maisha of

Sensual Energy Alchemy

every sunday in february at 3 pm est

Join me every Sunday in February to discuss judgments, fears, and ​misconceptions around being your most authentic self. Come discover how ​you can show up in any room and sit at any table without having to hide the ​truth of who you are. We’ll talk about ways to create a pleasure map for ​yourself that will lead you out of stress and imposter’s syndrome, and into ​freedom and power.

Your pleasure map can be your guide to a deeper relationship with yourself ​and offer you liberation from the cultural, societal, and religious constraints ​that have held you back from your most authentic expression. The end result is ​a shift in your energy from fear and stress to empowered and confident. You’ll ​create clarity on how to live as your truest self, experience more joy and ​pleasure, and feel more connected to your body.

During the Open House you’ll also have an opportunity to learn about ​membership to my private community - The Sensual Oasis for Black Women, ​and my upcoming offering, Pathways to Pleasure.